North Carolina State Society
Daughters of the
American Colonists

State Regent’s Message

The North Carolina State Society of Daughters of the American Colonists is a friendly and welcoming group of ladies, dedicated to preserving the memory and history of our colonial ancestors who served our country before the American Revolutionary War. We welcome your interest in becoming a member of our Society.

We are very thankful for the wonderful heritage that was forged by the toil and perseverance of those who went before us. We strive to show our appreciation to those in the armed forces — past, present, and future. With joy and thanksgiving we work to express and share our thankfulness for the enriched life that we have inherited from our ancestors and veterans.

A goal of our society is to share the history, heritage, and principles of our great country with the youth of today. In this way we can shine a light on what has made our country great and preserve the past in order to learn from it and contribute to a better future.

Linda Sechrist

North Carolina State Regent, 2024-2027


Building on a firm foundation we carry DAC forward!


Without a vision the people perish.

— Proverbs 29:18


  • Promote the Constitution thru education of our young

  • Promote our chapters thru community involvement

  • Revitalize the North Carolina State Society website

Celebrating 100+ Years

The first General Assembly of the National Society Daughters of the American Colonists was held in Washington, DC, on April 25, 1921, in the New Willard Hotel. A name was voted on and accepted: “The National Society Daughters of the American Colonists.” The new Constitution and Bylaws were adopted and the Certificate of Incorporation, drawn up that day, was also adopted.

Now 100+ years later we must work even harder to perpetuate the visions of our ancestors to keep this land free and noble.